Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why do I Want to Fly?


Canada...this is where i will be studying by sept 2010 if Allah bless me to go there....amin~
Sounds cool rite??(huhu...riak plak)
But cool, fun, enjoyment are not the only issues.....
The actual issue that i'm pondering is why do i want to fly?

Sky High 2009 that i attended on last Saturday managed to open my eyes to see that there are other important reasons for me to fly rather than just to experience the SNOW which we don't experience in m'sia. It sounds silly...but this was once what i and most of us thought of if we are able to fly.(sort of....)

We want the popularity studying abroad, we want to experience the 4 seasons (winter, summer, fall, spring), we want to see our photos n hari raya greetings published on the newspapers each year....are that the only reasons that make me eager to fly??

Ustaz Hasrizal said :

" Why do you want to fly? why do you prefer studying abroad while m'sia can offer you every courses that you want to do? why?why?

Are you willing to let your parents esp your mom crying for you for years?Do their sacrifices
worth it? "

Let us answer this question together.
After joining this program, these are my answers :

# i want to fly because i want to challege and strengthen my faith to Allah. ustaz said u can't survive with 'islam warisan' but u can survive with 'islam pilihan'.

# i want to fly because i want to grab the opportunities to learn at one of the best uni for geology in canada which is university of toronto (but uni doesn't totally determine our excellance, but our attitude)

# i want to fly because i want to become a mukminah professional, a geologist insyallah who can contribute to the ummah

# i want to prove to myself and the world that islam is the best way of life and muslim can also succeed and i don't want them to look down on us anymore

# i want to fly because i hope by being away from my muslim community that i will appreciate n understand my deen more (because when we study abroad, people will always question our faith)

Ya Allah, if 'flying' is the best for me, make it true Ya Allah....
Give me strength and patience in going through the obstacles on my way there....
if it's not the best for me, make me redha with your faith and continue living as your faithful servant.

Btw, here are some of the pearls that i got while diving in Sky High 2009(hehe...)

# whenever we have problem in life, always go back to basic, Allah our CREATOR then we will find answers and solutions

# where are we from? : alam roh (alam where we are very close to Allah), alam rahim (alam full of love)
why we are here? : to serve Allah ( " I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me " 51:56)
where are going after this? : alam barzakh-alam mahsyar-heaven or hell (our eternal world)

# it is a fitrah for human kind to love being close to Allah since we were close to Him in alam roh, if we choose to go far from Allah we are the ones who are going to suffer and this will never affect Allah.

# excellance is more about our attitude than other factors such as knowledge, skills, and environment

# it's hard to change our attitude, but we can only succeed if we force ourselves to change it, not just giving excuses all the time.
" Verily never will Allah change the condition of people until they change it themselves (with their own souls ) " 13:11

# specially for me, if you want to succeed you need to learn how to control your emotion ( jgn cepat melatah if anything happens)

# be proactive not reactive or inactive
proactive: always try to find the best solution
reactive : never accept his/her mistakes, keep blaming others
easily affected by environment
low ability in controlling him/herself
inactive : no respond

Alhamdulillah....Allah gave me the chance to attend this meaningful program, thank you Ustaz Hasrizal for giving, brothers and sisters for sharing, committees for organising.
May Allah bless you=)


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