Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm still stranded here=(


I have been skipping class for 2 weeks.
I just received a call from the office, but i did'nt pick it up=(
huhuhu....i know, my mistake here, but i just can't tell them why am i skipping class so far.
I don't find school encouraging and interesting anymore.
I'm bored at school.
First, my classmates are all 2 years younger than me and i find it's not that easy to catch up with them. Believe me, i tried.
Second, my Bahasa sucks. Now, i learn everything in Bahasa after years of English. Not easy man! You kind of missing the English words...huhuhu
Third, i hate seeing myself in school uniform again after 2 years of freedom in college.

I know all these are just excuses!!
These are the symptoms of escapism.
Am i going to repeat the same failure like i did in Taylors?
I'm not!!!!

My Sis said this,
" Kak, dlu ko yang pilih nak study under petronas then ko x buat betul2, skrg nie ko jugak yang pilih nak amik stpm, x kn ko nak main2 lagi. Ko fikirla sendiri kak!"

I was speechless when i heard this.
I knew it's so true.
The problem is just me not the program that i'm taking.

InsyAllah, i will go to school after raya and never skip class again okay=)
Pray for me that i'll make this promise yea=)
Till then.
Have a nice day people;D


  1. Salam. Baby, I never know that you are taking STPM now. Sorry sangat. Hmm. Never ever give up okay? Alang yang Achik kenal, sangat kuat and berkeyakinan sebenarnya :) Seriously girl, you are super strong! All the best okay? Let's do our best. Aja aja fighting! Miss you a lot honey! :D

  2. salam, achik dear=)
    thx for believing in me and having such a positive picture of me=)
    insyAllah, will keep going!
    miss u;D
